Pursuit of Kaddafi has come to head, but denouement was not expected this kind. One month before Kaddafi’s killing the most powerful field commander, the leader of Tripoli's Military Council Abdel Hakim Belhadj told in his interview to al-Jazeera that opposition troops will treat Kaddafi at his capture according to standard rules. His assumption however was that Kaddafi will never let himself be arrested but rather kill himself. “This revolution has set high standards regarding the justice system’ – Belhadj has stated. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/09/2011920155237218813.html
Video made and posted in Internet showed that former dictator was kept alive, the UN requested an investigation of his death. Such end of former dictator has made concerns proven that revenge may supersede a strive to “Justice”, which has not probably come to Libya yet. Military and Islamic groups, defected clans, activated groups of citizens – will they all work to establish legitimate space for the revival of the nation? Or they will continue fighting for ‘new Libya” now in between themselves?
Justice in Arab world is not only a value of social consent but also an issue of national and common Arab dignity. Commentators of Kaddafi’s death referred that his coming to power in 1969 was welcome by vast majority of Libyans, an Arab people, who were humiliated by the disaster of the war of 1967. Kaddafi seemed captured by this idea, but actually failed to served it. We could see that once the peace did not come to Arabs in their entire world dictatorships were generated and flourished in national corners of their Motherland.
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